The Danger of Someday

It never comes, of course; that elusive Someday is always on the horizon, just out of reach, at the intersection of “More Time” and “Fewer Responsibilities.” Never have I HAD the time to launch this website. Ever. Or to develop, make, package, market and sell products.  So I had to MAKE the time, in the margins of my responsibilities. I took the first step, wobbly and entirely unprepared, many years ago, wrapping roughly hand-cut soaps with ribbons and setting up shop at a holiday boutique. I’ve made some pretty big rookie mistakes along the way – so what? A great way to never fail is to never try something new. 

With that first step, something remarkable happened. People helped me. Family, friends, and friends I hadn’t yet met shared their time and talents. This website is the celebration of a 25-year journey of community, collaboration, and shared creativity. I am deeply grateful to each person who has pushed, lifted, and carried me along the way. I continue to experiment, fail, learn, recalibrate and try again. 

Maybe you have a Someday of your own – please, don’t let it stay just out of reach.  When you decide to turn that Someday into Today, you will start moving toward that elusive intersection, with baby steps, with confident strides, running, backtracking, jumping ahead, falling down, walking, crawling….and when you arrive, you’ll find the street names are actually “Heck Yeah” and “Keep Going,” because your arrival is a celebration, and it is also just the beginning. Relish the moment, and know that there is so much more out there for you. 

The first step is often the hardest one to take. The millionth step is hard too, but when you are exhausted and think you can’t possibly go on, remember that you can always take One More Step. You truly can. You are capable of far more than you think. Trust your heart, believe in yourself…and live for Today. Now go wash your hands.



Analog Soap in a Digital Detergent World